Course Content

-- Maxwell equations and basic electrostatics

-- Charged droplets and Rayleigh instability

-- Variational electrostatics

-- Some capacitors

-- Poisson-Boltzmann theory, Bjerrum length

-- Counterions in a one-dimensional capacitor, Gouy-Chapman length

-- Counterions in a two-dimensional capacitor, Manning condensation

-- Linearized Poisson-Boltzmann theory, Debye screening length, DLVO potential

-- Polyelectrolytes I : Gaussian chains with charges, electrostatic blob size, blob poles

-- Polyelectrolytes II : Excluded-volume chains with charges

-- Polyelectrolytes III : Poor-solvent chains with charges, pearl-necklace structures

-- Polyelectrolytes IV: OSF theory of the electrostatic persistence length

-- Polyelectrolytes V: Phase behavior of Debye-Hueckel chains

-- Electrokinetic equations, electro-osmotic flow, electrophoresis in the Smoluchowski limit