The top plot in the following graph is the information content, per base, of the human [HBV sequence], est. by the eXpert Model (XM), smoothed (w=21), and averaging 1.98 bits/base; it is barely compressible.
The blue plot is the saving in human HBV given knowledge of the w.monkey HBV sequence. There is substantial information saving and you can see it tracking genes, e.g., for the reverse transcriptase.
The brown plot is the saving in human HBV given the less closely related woodchuck HBV sequence. There is less information saving and it is more localised.
The green plot is the saving given the distantly related duck HBV sequence. This last flat-lines at roughly zero bits saving except for a region at about 200-300.
<----1600 pixels---->
0-900; smoothed w=21; top human HBV; blue=saving|w.monkey; brown=saving|woodchuck; green=saving|duck; note 200-300.
<----1600 pixels---->
<----1600 pixels---->
<----1600 pixels---->
2400-end (3200±)

© Lloyd Allison Faculty of Information Technology (Clayton), Monash University, Australia 3800.
Created with "vi (Linux & Solaris)",   charset=iso-8859-1