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GCSS/ARM SCM intercomparison project

Background. GCSS and ARM have organised several model intercomparison projects in research years. Details of previous intercomparison projects can be found here. Generally, intercomparison projects have exploited the wealth of data available from field campaigns intensive observation periods to create forcing data sets for forcing models and then to validate the model simulations against the observations.

This webpage is to provide information directly to the participants of the single column model (SCM) intercomparison project related to the Tropical Warm Pool - International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE). The SCM intercomparison project is part of a series of intercomparison projects involving cloud resolving models (CRMs), limited area models (LAMs) and numerical weather prediction models (NWPs). Contact details for the other projects can be found below.

The main webpage for the combined intercomparison projects is being hosted by the ARM Cloud Working group: Joint intercomparison home page


GEWEX POSTER. Some of the intial results from the SCM intercomparison are being presented at the GEWEX/ILEAPS conference (24-28 August) in Melbourne Australia. A pdf of this poster can be downloaded here: GEWEX poster


TWP-ICE SCM intercomparison. The SCM intercomparison for TWP-ICE differs from previous projects as an ensemble approach is adopted. In addition to the standard, best estimate forcing data set that is provided by ARM an ensemble of forcing data sets have been created. This ensemble has been formed by estimating the errors in radar-derived precipitation and therefore accounts for a potential source of error in deriving the forcing data set. Using ensemble technique enables the errors in the parameterisation to be separated from errors in the forcing data set. More details are given in the SCM model intercomparison documentation which can be downloaded here: TWP-ICE documentation

The SCM intercomparison will have two parts, a simulation of the ARM best estimate forcing data set and a simulation of the ensemble. Both forcing data sets must be downloaded separately from the following links:

Best estimate forcing data. The standard ARM forcing data set must be downloaded and simulated (full details in the documentation). There ARM data can be downloaded by following the link here: ARM TWP-ICE forcing data set

Ensemble forcing data. The ensemble forcing data set is currently only available from this web page, although in time it will be placed in the ARM archive. The ensemble data can be downloaded by clicking here: TWP-ICE Ensemble data

Deadlines. The final deadline for contributions to the SCM intercomparison project is 1 July 2009.

Contact details. The SCM intercomparison project is being organised by Laura Davies, Monash University, Australia. <>

Participation. We welcome many participants using different SCMs. If you would like to participate please email <> to let us know.

Other intercomparisons. The other intercomparison projects are being organised by other individuals. Details of all the other projects are available through the main ARM webpage but the contact details are duplicated here:

Cloud-Resolving Models (CRMs)
- contact: Ann Fridlind <>
- simulation time: 18 January - 3 February

Limited-Area Models (LAMs)
- contact: Maria Russo <>
- simulation time: several days (TBA)

Numerical Weather Prediction Models (NWPs)
- contact: Yanluan Lin <>

Analysis of results. As I start getting simulations from participants I will aim to display interesting plots of the results. This may well fuel discussions...

SCM intercomparison participants. A list of the participants will be here to enable people to contact each other more freely!

Contact details

+61 (0)3 9902 0110
This page created 27 Jan 2009 and last edited 21 Aug 2009.
Monash disclaimer.