Professor Yew-Kwang Ng Home Page

Borned in 1942 in Malaysia, Yew-Kwang Ng obtained his BCom from Nanyang University in 1966 BS his PhD from Sydney University in 1971. He has been a professor of economics at Monash University since 1985 and a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia since 1980. In 2007, he received the highest award (Distinguished Fellow) of the Economic Society of Australia. He has worked in welfare economics, proposed mesoeconomics (a simplified general equilibrium analysis with both micro and macro elements) and welfare biology. He has published refereed papers in leading journals in economics, including AER (7 papers), Economica (9), EJ (6), JET, JPE (3), REStud (2), Social Choice & Welfare (13), and in biology, cosmology, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, and sociology. Books include Mesoeconomics: A Micro-Macro Analysis (London: Wheatsheaf, 1986); Welfare Economics: Towards a Complete Analysis, (London: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2004); Common Mistakes in Economics: By the Public, Students, Economists, and Nobel Laureates, Nova,  2011. How Did the Universe Come About? Fudan University Press, 2011.

1942年出生于马来西亚,毕业于槟城韩江中学(1961)、新加坡南洋大学(1966)、悉尼大学(经济学Ph.D., 1971). 在澳大利亚Monash大学任教授(reader; 1974-85)及讲座教授(personal chair; 1985- ). 于1980年被选为澳大利亚社会科学院院士. 于1986年成为被选入Who’s Who in Economics: A Biographical Dictionary of Major Economists 1700-1986的十名澳大利亚学者与全球十名华裔学者之一. 于2007年获得澳大利亚经济学会最高荣誉-杰出学者。在经济学、哲学、生物 学、心理学、社会学、数学、宇宙学等学术期刊(包括AER,EJ,JET,JPE,RES,SCW)发表两百余篇审稿论 文. 兴趣与贡献包括:福祉经济学与公共政策, 提创福祉生物学,提创综合微观、宏观与全局均衡的综观分 析,与杨小凯合作发展以现代数理方法分析古典的分工、专业化与经济组织的新兴古典经济学.专著包括: 
  • Welfare Economics, London:  Palgrave/Macmillan 2004 (中译 《福祉经济学》, 东北财经大学出版 社,2005);
  • Mesoeconomics: A Micro-Macro Analysis.  London:  Harvester, 1986 (中译 《综观经济学》, 中国社会科学出版社, 1996); 
  • Specialization and Economic Organization, Amsterdam:  North Holland, 1993 (杨小凯; 中译 《专业化与经济组织》, 经济科学出版社, 1999)
  • Increasing Returns and Economic Analysis, ed., London: Macmillan, 1998 [ Kenneth Arrow (诺奖得 主)和 Xiaokai Yang];
  • Efficiency, Equality, and the Foundation of Public Policy, London: Macmillan & New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000 (中译 《效率、平等与经济政策》,社会科学文献出版社,2003);
  • Increasing Returns and Economic Efficiency, Palgrave/Macmillan, U.K. 2009;
  • Common Mistakes in Economics,2011;
  • 《千古奇情记》, 作家出版社, 1993; 《经济与快乐》, 东北财大出版社, 2000;《金钱能买快乐吗?》,四川人民出版 社,2002, 《社会福祉与经济政策》.北 京大学出版社,2005; 《黄有光看世界》,经济科学出版社,2005; 《高级微观经济学》(与张定胜),2008; 《黄有光自选集》,2008 ; 从综观经济学到生物学》, 2010 20118月由复旦大学出版社出版: 《宇宙是怎样 来的?进化创世论》, 《从诺奖 得主到凡夫俗子的经济学谬误》

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Professor Yew-Kwang Ng's full CV is here
Professor Yew-Kwang Ng's publications  in economics and other disciplines: