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The SCAN Database

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by Uffe Grae Jorgensen and collaborators

Part of this molecular data base has been organised in a user-friendly way and placed in an anonymous ftp area of the computer "stella.nbi.dk".

You can access it by logging in to stella as anonymous, using your email address as password. Once you are logged in, you go to the directory pub/scan (i.e., type cd pub/scan), where you for the moment will find molecular data for CH, CN, C2, TiO, and H2O.

You will also find

  1. the absorption coefficient of diamond dust measured by Anja Andersen and collaborators and described in our paper about meteoritic diamonds A&A 1998
  2. the collision induced absorption coefficient calculated by Aleksandra Borysow and collaborators and tested in our paper in A&A 1997.

You can see a list of what is available in the ftp area by typing ls -l when you have logged in there. The data files end with ".dat". There are also files with description of the data and lists of relevant partition functions etc. For every set of data it is important to adapt a partition function which is consistent with the definitions used for the data themselves.

For each molecule you can access postscript files from the ftp area with information about the molecules, as well as papers describing the computation and our first testing of the molecular data.

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