Covers and partial transverals of Latin squares

We define a cover of a Latin square to be a set of entries that includes at least one representative of each row, column and symbol. A cover is minimal if it does not contain any smaller cover. A partial transversal is a set of entries that includes at most one representative of each row, column and symbol. A partial transversal is maximal if it is not contained in any larger partial transversal. We explore the relationship between covers and partial transversals.

We prove the following:

  • The minimum size of a cover in a Latin square of order n is n+a if and only if the maximum size of a partial transversal is either n-2a or n-2a+1.
  • A minimal cover in a Latin square of order n has size at most μn=3(n+1/2-√(n+1/4)).
  • There are infinitely many orders n for which there exists a Latin square having a minimal cover of every size from n to μn.
  • Every Latin square of order n has a minimal cover of a size which is asymptotically equal to μn.
  • If 1 ≤ k ≤ n/2 and n≥5 then there is a Latin square of order n with a maximal partial transversal of size n-k.
  • For any ε > 0, asymptotically almost all Latin squares have no maximal partial transversal of size less than n-n2/3+ε.