############################################################################# ## #W PackageInfo.g GAP 4 package 'Cubefree' Heiko Dietrich ## ## ## Based on Frank Luebeck's template for PackageInfo.g. ## SetPackageInfo( rec( PackageName := "Cubefree", Subtitle := "Constructing the Groups of a Given Cubefree Order", Version := "1.17", Date := "11/06/2018", ArchiveURL := "http://users.monash.edu.au/~heikod/cubefree/cubefree1.17", ArchiveFormats := ".tar.gz", Persons := [ rec( LastName := "Dietrich", FirstNames := "Heiko", IsAuthor := true, IsMaintainer := true, Email := "heiko.dietrich@monash.edu", WWWHome := "http://users.monash.edu.au/~heikod/", PostalAddress := Concatenation( [ "School of Mathematical Sciences", "Monash University\n", "VIC 3800\n Melbourne, Australia" ] ), Place := "Melbourne", Institution := "Monash University"), ], Status := "accepted", CommunicatedBy := "David Joyner (Annapolis)", AcceptDate := "10/2007", README_URL := "http://users.monash.edu.au/~heikod/cubefree/README", PackageInfoURL := "http://users.monash.edu.au/~heikod/cubefree/PackageInfo.g", AbstractHTML := "The Cubefree package contains methods to construct up to isomorphism the groups of a given (reasonable) cubefree order. The main function ConstructAllCFGroups(n) constructs all groups of a given cubefree order n. The function NumberCFGroups(n) counts all groups of a cubefree order n. Furthermore, IrreducibleSubgroupsOfGL(2,q) constructs the irreducible subgroups of GL(2,q), q=p^r, p>=5 prime, up to conjugacy and RewriteAbsolutelyIrreducibleMatrixGroup(G) rewrites the absolutely irreducible matrix group G (over a finite field) over a minimal subfield.", PackageWWWHome := "http://users.monash.edu.au/~heikod/cubefree.html", PackageDoc := rec( BookName := "Cubefree", ArchiveURLSubset := ["doc", "htm"], HTMLStart := "htm/chapters.htm", PDFFile := "doc/manual.pdf", SixFile := "doc/manual.six", LongTitle := "Constructing the groups of a given cubefree order", Autoload := true), Dependencies := rec( GAP := ">=4.3", NeededOtherPackages := [["GrpConst","1.0"],["Polycyclic","1.0"]], SuggestedOtherPackages := [], ExternalConditions := [] ), AvailabilityTest := ReturnTrue, BannerString := "Loading Cubefree 1.17 ... \n", Autoload := false, TestFile := "tst/autoTest.tst", Keywords := ["cubefree","construction of groups","irreducible matrix subgroups of degree 2"] ));