# REINSTALLING LALINFERENCE WITH JHBUILD # 9 December 2016 # eric.thrane@ligo.org # I followed these instructions in order to get rid of an error, in which generateIMRPhenomPv2 # produced a different output every time I ran it. # STEP ONE: INSTALL JHBUILD # try starting at STEP TWO and only try STEP ONE if necessary # remove jhbuild stuff (try rm -rf ~/modulesets/ rm -rf ~/src/ rm -rf ~/.config/ # clone git repo git clone git://github.com/lpsinger/modulesets.git ~/modulesets mkdir -p ~/src && git clone git://git.gnome.org/jhbuild ~/src/jhbuild cd ~/src/jhbuild ./autogen.sh make make install # Then I add these magic lines to my .bash_login if they're not there already. export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 # source things source ~/.bash_login mkdir -p ~/.config && cd ~/.config && ln -s ~/modulesets/jhbuildrc # STEP TWO: UNSET LD_LIBRARY_PATH # If you don't, things in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH may interfere with git checkouts unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH # STEP THREE: MAKE SURE NOT TO USE ICC # do NOT run this command # echo 'icc = True' >> ~/.config/my.jhbuildrc # If your config files have icc=true, turn it off to avoid icc errors. # STEP FOUR: CLEAN UP BEFORE REBUILDING + REBUILD # Uninstall: jhbuild uninstall $(jhbuild list lalsuite) # clean the git repo: jhbuild cleanone $(jhbuild list lalsuite) # rebuild: jhbuild build lalsuite