----------------------------------------------- Changes in v2.9.1 compared to v2.9.0 ----------------------------------------------- Daniel Mentiplay (11): (read_data_phantom) fixed bug reading unknown particle types (read_data_sphNG) allow for new idust in phantom (read_data_sphNG) fix for previous commit (libsplash) Added compiling splash as a library for use in Python, etc. (libsplash) added Makefile dependencies (libsplash) added name attribute; allows calling subroutines with original Fortran names without the prepended c_ (libsplash) Set names of subroutines (interpolation) add check on wfunc pointer (libsplash) Make consistent with iverbose flag Add -fPIC flag to SYSTEM=gfortran in Makefile Add non-Cartesian interpolation to libsplash Daniel Price (111): (opacity rendering) allow opacity rendering even when 3D perspective turned off (labels) bug fix with label identification if no real number read (d menu) single menu option only for units and calculated quantities, cleanup of interfaces (splash) updated version info + reduce verboseness (calc_quantities) possible seg fault fixed if no dustfrac present in data (write_data_phantom) splash to phantom handles multiple types + sink particles (sphNG) tempered some errors to warnings (gadget) limited support for gadget read with splash compiled in double precision (splash) bug fix from earlier commit (write_phantom) minor cleanups (calc_quantities) BUG FIX: do not reset column limits unless new calculated quantity is added (units) bug fix: resetting units also resets dz unit (units) fewer prompts: units automatically applied if edited and auto-save units file (units) bug fix with double printing of units labels in units menu (units) suggest correct label if choose units from suggestion list (libsplash) include all interpolation routines in library build; remove dependency on labels module (libsplash) removed dependency on globaldata.f90 (multigrain) print grain size info from multigrain dust file headers (labels) more intelligent units label on projection plots (string_delete) bug fix if substring to delete contains a trailing space (phantom) convert grainsizes in header to cgs for use inside splash (multigrain) automatic labelling of grain sizes in density and column density plots (interp3D_proj_geom) segmentation fault/out-of-bounds error fixed (interactive) adaptive limits on log colour bars show 3 dex range by default (limits) auto-adjust limits to device aspect ratio now works with multiple panels (interp) bug fixes with r-z rendering (shapes) BUG FIX with panel selection for interactive text box editing (shapes) further bug fix with previous commit Merge pull request #17 from mapetkova/master (particleplot) line joining particles reorders particles along x axis if ndim <= 1, fixes issue with line plotting in periodic domains (interp3D) compiler warnings fixed (interp_opacity) reduce verbosity of log output (interp) bug fix with parallelisation in openMP (interp3D_projection) added iverbose flag to interface to silence printouts (interp/libsplash) added iverbose flag to interface to silence printouts Merge pull request #18 from Evedel/master (Toomre Q) prompts for mass v2.9.1 David Liptai (2): (bondiexact) fixed error in energy for geodesic solution Hayley Macpherson (3): cactus: removed reading of constraints from HDF5 data. we calculate them ourselves now. cactus: change to allow mescaline to run without lapse data in HDF5 file Kieran Hirsh (1): changed minimum possible number of timesteps to plot per panel to 1 Sergei Biriukov (3): (libexact) initial (libexact) beautify (libexact) plotlib mock library + no more ifdefs mapetkova (5): Exact imaging in 2D loops over each pixel wall once instead of twice. Exact rendering in splash to grid