----------------------------------------------- Changes in v2.9.0 compared to v2.8.0 ----------------------------------------------- Daniel Mentiplay (6): (read_data_phantom) fixed bug reading unknown particle types (read_data_sphNG) allow for new idust in phantom (read_data_sphNG) fix for previous commit (libsplash) Added compiling splash as a library for use in Python, etc. (libsplash) added Makefile dependencies (libsplash) added name attribute; allows calling subroutines with original Fortran names without the prepended c_ Daniel Price (67): (headervars) header variables now available when computing calculated quantities from phantom/sphNG data (headervars) can now print header variables in legend (headervars) include integer and real*8s in header variable list (headervars) use numbers to make massoftype1, massoftype2 etc so header tags are unique (build) deleted obsolete compile-time options (headervars) bug fix if more than 128 variables in calculated quantities; now store up to 256 header variables (headervars) seg fault in legend plotting fixed (headervars) formatting fixed in legend menu (interactive) seg fault fixed triggered by faulty data read (interactive) pressing n in interactive mode re-centres plot on nearest sink particle (units) give hints for length and time units if udist,utime known from data file (units) seg fault fixed from previous commit (tile) allow tiled plots in case where plots are all coordinates and the limits are the same (colours) added Doppler shift colour bar, as used in Pinte et al. (2018) (vector plotting) BUG FIX with arrow head size if character height is different to 1.0 (calc_quantities) minor change to formatting (tiling) allow tiling where there is one colour bar per column and colour bar is horizontal; similarly ensure colour bar is vertical when one per column (vector) units label plotted more sensibly in vector legend (plotstep) better line breaks in only statements (exact rendering) added option for exact rendering; implemented in 2D thanks to Maya Petkova (exact_rendering) build failure fixed (exact_rendering) minor optimisations (~10% speedup) WORKAROUND for bug in gfortran v8.x blocking device opening BUG FIX with disappearing arrows on first panel if plotted in background colour on vector devices (tiling) BUG FIX with colour bar on tiled plots introduced in previous commit (dust) make dustfrac labels unique when reading multiple dust types from phantom data (labels) shifted count_non_blank function into asciiutils module; but still available from labels module (read_ascii) workaround for bug with end-of-file error code in gfortran v8 (read_data_sphNG) out of bounds error if ntypes > maxparttypes fixed (read_data_sphNG) bug fix with accreted particles if iphase not read following 091b69c (read_data_sphNG) obsolete SSPLASH_REMOVE_LARGE_HR feature/code removed; can be achieved with range restrictions (dust) automatic suggestion for dustfracsum and dust densities in calculated quantities; fixed various issues here (exact_2D) optimisation of exact 2D interpolation; approx 20% speedup (SPLASH_HMIN_CODEUNITS) automatically turn on fast rendering if this is set (labels) added make_vector_label routine (read_data_sphNG) build failure fixed (read_data_ascii) more robust finding of positions in column labels (read_coloursfile) bug fix with error code if number of colours differs from maximum (calc_quantities) fixed uninitialised variable bug (ascii) various bugs fixed in label recognition (exact_planetdisc) added Rafikov 2002 solution for power-law disc; allow arbitrary planet radius Merge pull request #11 from mapetkova/master (read_data_sphNG) seg fault reading multigrain dumps fixed - temporary solution (exact_planetdisc) minor bug fix in Rafikov 2002 solution (phantom) seg fault fixed with single grain size one-fluid output from phantom (phantom) bug fix with ndusttypes in file headers (fparser) implemented atan2 minor formatting changes (splash2grid) gives zero as grid minimum if no minimum found (e.g. NaNs) (ascii) bug fix: do not recognise x,y,z if time is found as a column reduced verboseness of startup further reductions in verbosity (main) updated version details (plotstep) obsolete option to write separate ppm file removed (splash) further reductions in verboseness (colours) scheme only printed if changed (plotstep) further reductions in verbosity; only print limits if they have changed (interactive) reduced verbosity (interactive) further reductions in verbosity (ascii) safer handling of labels enclosed in square brackets; reduce verboseness of printing (ascii) bug fix with label recognition from single space - only allow this if exact match to number of columns (ascii) bug fix with logic in previous commit v2.9.0 David Liptai (2): (bondiexact) fixed error in energy for geodesic solution Hayley Macpherson (3): cactus: removed reading of constraints from HDF5 data. we calculate them ourselves now. cactus: change to allow mescaline to run without lapse data in HDF5 file Kieran Hirsh (1): changed minimum possible number of timesteps to plot per panel to 1 mapetkova (1): Exact imaging in 2D loops over each pixel wall once instead of twice.