----------------------------------------------- Changes in v2.10.0 compared to v2.9.0 ----------------------------------------------- Daniel Mentiplay (5): (libsplash) Set names of subroutines (interpolation) add check on wfunc pointer (libsplash) Make consistent with iverbose flag Add -fPIC flag to SYSTEM=gfortran in Makefile Add non-Cartesian interpolation to libsplash Daniel Price (89): (opacity rendering) allow opacity rendering even when 3D perspective turned off (labels) bug fix with label identification if no real number read (d menu) single menu option only for units and calculated quantities, cleanup of interfaces (splash) updated version info + reduce verboseness (calc_quantities) possible seg fault fixed if no dustfrac present in data (write_data_phantom) splash to phantom handles multiple types + sink particles (sphNG) tempered some errors to warnings (gadget) limited support for gadget read with splash compiled in double precision (splash) bug fix from earlier commit (write_phantom) minor cleanups (calc_quantities) BUG FIX: do not reset column limits unless new calculated quantity is added (units) bug fix: resetting units also resets dz unit (units) fewer prompts: units automatically applied if edited and auto-save units file (units) bug fix with double printing of units labels in units menu (units) suggest correct label if choose units from suggestion list (libsplash) include all interpolation routines in library build; remove dependency on labels module (libsplash) removed dependency on globaldata.f90 (multigrain) print grain size info from multigrain dust file headers (labels) more intelligent units label on projection plots (string_delete) bug fix if substring to delete contains a trailing space (phantom) convert grainsizes in header to cgs for use inside splash (multigrain) automatic labelling of grain sizes in density and column density plots (interp3D_proj_geom) segmentation fault/out-of-bounds error fixed (interactive) adaptive limits on log colour bars show 3 dex range by default (limits) auto-adjust limits to device aspect ratio now works with multiple panels (interp) bug fixes with r-z rendering (shapes) BUG FIX with panel selection for interactive text box editing (shapes) further bug fix with previous commit Merge pull request #17 from mapetkova/master (particleplot) line joining particles reorders particles along x axis if ndim <= 1, fixes issue with line plotting in periodic domains (interp3D) compiler warnings fixed (interp_opacity) reduce verbosity of log output (interp) bug fix with parallelisation in openMP (interp3D_projection) added iverbose flag to interface to silence printouts (interp/libsplash) added iverbose flag to interface to silence printouts Merge pull request #18 from Evedel/master (Toomre Q) prompts for mass v2.9.1 version 2.9.1 Merge pull request #21 from jameswurster/master (units) avoid seg fault if idivB=0 (splash to grid) BUG FIX when changing pixel numbers for grid (splash-to-grid) use Petkova+2018 method for sub-pixel rendering by default; various optimisations of this + cleanups (splash-to-grid) BUG FIX with large round-off error if splash to grid run in single precision, now store double precision array always; further minor cleanups (splash-to-grid) implemented stream i/o output for gridded data, for easy reading into python (interpolation) consistent use of iroll function (interpolate3D) cleanup of repeated code into get_I_terms routine (interpolate3D) cleanup unused variables (splash to grid) binary grid output now double precision; allow re-use of write_griddata module in other codes, e.g. phantom (asciiutils) compiler warning fixed (geomutils) bug fix with units label being superscripted for vector quantities in non-cartesian coordinates (interactive) pressing number followed by -/+ zooms in/out by that factor (thanks to D. Liptai); also pressing a gives 4 dex rather than 3 dex by default (labels) removed obsolete \u, \d for superscripts/subscripts; wider use of make_vector_label (plotstep) minor label fix; commented ability to use Petkova rendering in column density (transform) use ^2 not \u2\d [format-bot] end if -> endif; end do -> enddo; if( -> if ( (fits) preliminary work on fits reader [format-bot] obsolete .gt. .lt. .ge. .le. .eq. .ne. replaced [indent-bot] standardised indentation bug fix linking against giza with ifort v19 (pdfs) obsolete option for vol-weighted PDF removed (pdfs) build failure fixed (column density) exact/Petkova method implemented for column density rendering, off by default but used if exact rendering turned on (corotate) can use SPLASH_COROTATE=1,3 to corotate with arbitrary pair of sink particles; adjust velocity as well as positions (SPLASH_COROTATE) print out rotation angle (splash to ascii) can write only select columns using SPLASH_CONVERT=1,4 (interactive) scaling factor now applies also to vector arrow size; z observer position and rotation angles bug fix with zoom out when pressing - (from recent changes) (interactive) when adding shape interactively use current character height by default BUG FIX: do not create fake dust particles if dust particles present (phantom) bug fix labelling accreted dust particles (options_particleplots) compiler warnings fixed (phantom) reduce verbosity (interp_proj_geom) compiler warning fixed revert maxparttypes to avoid seg fault with ifort (dust) bug fix plotting rho_g and rho_d with mix of full and small dump files; dustfrac arrays now always columns 7->n (fits) working fits reader for image interpolation (splash-fits) (interp2D) parallel 2D interpolation implemented (interp2D) use exact only when pixel numbers are small (fits) added routine for writing fits files (fits) added routine for writing fits files (interp2D) initialise kernel if not done; allows use in library (splash-image) build splash-image as standalone utility splash-image renamed splash-denoise v2.10.0 James Wurster (1): (units) added units to more columns; corrected plasma beta in physical units Sergei Biriukov (3): (libexact) initial (libexact) beautify (libexact) plotlib mock library + no more ifdefs mapetkova (2):