Selected research results

This page summarizes selected unpublished research results. If you are interested in collaborating in any of the areas shown, please contact me using the contact details provided in the Contact Me.

Southern Ocean Clouds

I am interested in the role of Southern Ocean clouds in the climate system and in particular in improving the currently poor representation of these clouds in climate models. On 27 November 2012 a small workshop on Southern Ocean clouds and meteorology was held at MWAC. The presentations from this workshop can be found here .

Cloud Regimes from ISCCP

In collaboration with colleagues at NASA GISS we have developed a method to identify recurring cloud regimes in the Tropics using data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). More information on the techniques and results of the research can be found in Tselioudis and Jakob (2003) and Rossow et al. (2005). We have applied the regime technique to investigate a number of the properties of the tropical regimes such as their thermodynamic and radiative properties (Jakob et al., 2005) as well as their precipitation and latent heating properties (Jakob and Schumacher, 2008).

More recently we have investigated the relationship of the ISCCP-based tropical cloud regimes to the MJO-index by Wheeler and Hendon (2004). For some preliminary results click here.