Welcome to my academic homepage
I am currently a research fellow at Monash university, working on a machine learning project to learn from very large datasets, under the supervision of Professor Geoff Webb.
Previously, I was a granted PhD student (by the Spanish Ministry of Education) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, in the Computing Systems Department. I was also member of the Intelligent Systems and Data mining research group in the Albacete Research Institute of Informatics I3A, under the supersvision of Professors José A. Gámez and Julia Flores.
My current interests focus on the field of maching learning, more specifically in the area of Bayesian Network classifiers for large datasets.
In this webpage you will find some information regarding different workshops I have given (in Spanish) and my research profile.
Contact info
Ana M. Martínez Fernández
Clayton School of Information Technology
Office 222, +61 3 99053219
Monash University
3600 VIC